Fun ShootMatch Director: This event is on hiatus until a new director is found. IntroductionDesigned strictly for FUN shooting and is open to adult club members as well as the general public. . The paper targets, placed at 50 ft., are a mixture of Animal Silhouettes, Lucky Numbers, Timed Fire Bulls-eye and a lot more. Course of fire is unique for each style target. Targets run $2 to $4 each depending on the target. Payouts are for 1st, 2nd & sometimes 3rd place. Shoots are held on the 1st Sunday of the month from January thru March from 09:00am till 1:00pm. Please check the club calendar for the upcoming match dates and times. Firearms and EquipmentAll firearm bullet velocities must be under 1,500 fps. Rimfire or Centerfire pistols (semi-automatic or revolver) with or without optics, Rimfire rifles (semi-automatic or lever action) with or without optics. How to sign up for a matchEasy, just come to the match. Stop down and see what it is about or bring a qualified firearm as stated above and give it a try. |